Ergonomic Tips #1 -Tendon Glides--Think of it like calisthenics for your hand !Simple, easy and yet effective way to promote circulation, movement and flexibility to fingers.
Follow these steps in order 1-9
Ergonomic Facts #1-There are many benefits of ergonomics.First step is to reach out to an Ergonomic Assessment Specialist to get a full personalized ergonomic evaluations.
Ergonomic Tips #2-Eye Health is very critical while working at your computer. Here are some tips to consider and practice everyday.
1) Practice the 20/20/20 eye rule.
2) Place your monitor at least arm's length away.
3)If you wear bifocals- place your monitor so the top of the screen is 2-3 inches below eye level.
4) Visit your Optometrist/Ophthalmologist yearly to have eyes checked.
5) Consider purchasing computer glasses and/or blue light glasses (anti-reflective) to block out the blue light.
Ergonomic Facts -Direct cost for CTS $28,647 x 1.1 Indirect cost = $31,511 (total cost)
Ergonomic Facts continued- total cost of CTS $31,511 / .03% =%1,050,366. This is what a company needs to produce in additional sales to recover from 1 injury at the workplace. PREVENTION is the key to avoid injury and saving money.
Ergonomic Tips #3-Getting an ergonomic office chair can help prevent awkward positioning and posture leads to many MSD's such as neck pain, low back pain, carpal tunnel syndrome, DeQuervains, trigger finger, tight upper traps.
Don't know which ergonomic chair to buy? ergonomic mouse? Our experts can help you choose the right products to fit your needs and budget.
Ergonomic Tips #4-When carrying a backpack, carry only 10% of your body weight.
-Carry backpack over both shoulders.
-Use a backpack with wide padded straps.
-Use the chest or hip belt.
-Distribute the weight with heavier items closer to the center of body.
-If using a rolling backpack, carry only 20% of body weight.
Make sure to have at least 300-500 lux of lighting at your workstation when working at your desk. This will help prevent issues like eye strain, neck pain and back pain from occuring.
Ergonomic Tips: if your workplace offers FSA/HSA as a benefit ,you can use some or all that money to purchase an ergonomic standing desk. All you need is to obtain a letter of medical necessity(LMN) from a doctor, RN, chiropractor,PT,OT that specify your need for this equipment. This benefit can "SAVE you MONEY!"